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Monday, February 6, 2012 mourns the loss of two NotLD icons offers condolences to the families of two icons from the legendary Romero movie that is the heart of the current zombie craze, Night of the Living Dead. would like to share the following from the Facebook page of

While we celebrated, the birthday of a director of one of our most celebrated 
and inspiring movies of our genre, two families were mourning a loss. 
Over the weekend actor, Bill Hinzman passed away. Although he wasn’t 
the first zombie we ever saw, he was Romero’s first zombie. And for 
that he will always be legendary. He will be remembered as the car-chasing 
ghoul that terrorized Barbara. As if this wasn’t enough, the zombie 
community took another blow with the passing of Josephine Streiner. 
Ms. Streiner was a ghoul extra and the car that Barbara crashed 
in the cemetery, belonged to her. Her family has championed the 
Save the Evans City Cemetery Chapel campaign. On behalf of Ms. Streiner, 
the family asks that a donation be made to:

Fix the Chapel: 
Save the Evans City Cemetery Chapel


The Animal Rescue League (memorial & honor donations link on the main page):


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