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Thursday, April 25, 2013

FIGHTS: The 'Pit Fighters - Baptism by Fire' book trailer series

by Bowie Ibarra sets the standard for fun low/no budget book trailers on the 'net today.  They continued that unique tradition with the 'Pit Fighter: Baptism by Fire' book trailer series.  This blog entry will follow the evolution of the trailers, from the very first one for the first release, into the most recent for the re-release.

Check them out below.

The original release is below.  Check out the basic trailer.

When got new editing software, they gave it another shot.  Check it out.  Same message, but with videos.
With the re-release of the book, and yet newer software, gave it another go with a new series of trailers, starting with a teaser of what's to come.
The concept for the following trailers is to introduce the characters from the book.  Here they are.  Each of them have their own theme and style.  Chain's was done outside of, and features original music from the actor that did it.  El Aire is especially original and fun, and like nothing you will ever see from any other author out there.
And after a long wait, the final trailer for the series.
The book is available from today in paperback and ebook today.
BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuester. 

His combat sports themed book, PIT FIGHTERS: BAPTISM BY FIRE, features a luchador from Mexico who transitions to mixed martial arts competition.  It is available in paperback and on Kindle for .99 cents.

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You can network with Bowie and explore his other titles at his personal website,

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