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Thursday, April 25, 2013

FIGHTS: The 'Pit Fighters - Baptism by Fire' book trailer series

by Bowie Ibarra sets the standard for fun low/no budget book trailers on the 'net today.  They continued that unique tradition with the 'Pit Fighter: Baptism by Fire' book trailer series.  This blog entry will follow the evolution of the trailers, from the very first one for the first release, into the most recent for the re-release.

Check them out below.

The original release is below.  Check out the basic trailer.

When got new editing software, they gave it another shot.  Check it out.  Same message, but with videos.
With the re-release of the book, and yet newer software, gave it another go with a new series of trailers, starting with a teaser of what's to come.
The concept for the following trailers is to introduce the characters from the book.  Here they are.  Each of them have their own theme and style.  Chain's was done outside of, and features original music from the actor that did it.  El Aire is especially original and fun, and like nothing you will ever see from any other author out there.
And after a long wait, the final trailer for the series.
The book is available from today in paperback and ebook today.
BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuester. 

His combat sports themed book, PIT FIGHTERS: BAPTISM BY FIRE, features a luchador from Mexico who transitions to mixed martial arts competition.  It is available in paperback and on Kindle for .99 cents.

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You can network with Bowie and explore his other titles at his personal website,

BLOOD - The 'Big Cat' book trailer series...

by Bowie Ibarra

Book trailers are a great promotional tool, and jumped in headfirst into the trailer series with 'Big Cat'.  Check them out.

Here was the first teaser trailer for the series.  Simple and dramatic.


The second series of videos began to develop the characters and their quirks, building up the dangers in the story with ambiguity.
The third trailer takes an abstract take on the book, going with the theme of the book being an old 80s story with 'bloody dice'.  Very low budget bloody dice.
More fun with the characters, taking elements from the book about the characters and incorporating it into the trailer.
More character, more story elements, more ambiguity.
Variation on a theme of trailer 4
And here's the final book trailer for the series, after having built up the characters and their lack of preparedness to face the evil, the series returns to the original ominous tone.  Also features the book cover.
Again, presents some of the best low/no budget trailers out there, taking risks and doing what it takes to get the message out there.
BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuster.  His latest book, 'The Cruel Fate of Dr. Brewster' McGill' is a weird western tale of snake oil, Aztec Magic, and the dead rising from the grave to attack the living.  It is available in Kindle and paperback from

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You can network with Bowie and read about his Tex-Mexploitation stories and check out his book trailers at his personal website,
The fourth book trailer follows the same tactic, showing the quirkiness of the characters, but proposing the dangers that lie before them.

BLOOD/FIGHTS - The 'Codename: La Lechusa' book trailers series

by Bowie Ibarra

Promoting books is yet another aspect of the writing process nobodies like myself need to do.  With all the networking and free resources available, its important for a writer to get their name out there and participate in the sea of online promotion.

Book trailers are one of the ways authors can promote their work. took to the trailers quickly.  And after buying some affordable movie-making software, began to develop their content.

Below is the book trailer series for 'Codename: La Lechusa', collected in one place for all to see.

Here's the first one.  Its a teaser trailer for the upcoming book.  Simple and basic.


Here's the first follow up, featuring video and more teasing about the main character and her supernatural connection.  Click on the link below.
And now, number three.  We start building up the character a bit more, adding yet another style of music to it.
Building up the character even more, hinting yet again at the supernatural/occult power behind her abilities.
By book trailer five, we start to truly establish the character and her intentions.
In the final book trailer, I add a voice over, establishing character with words and music.
Next, then, is the follow up 'interview' trailer, featuring the author talking at a cool location about the book.
There are a lot of great book trailers out there, and a lot of money to be spent on them.  I don't have that luxury (yet).  But I do have imagination and resources.  So the way I see it, there's no excuse for me not to participate in the world of book trailers.  Even with the low budget, they're still some of the most unique trailers out there.  Very much like the books themselves.

BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuster.  His latest book, 'The Cruel Fate of Dr. Brewster McGill', is a weird
western tale that has been called, 'Lansdale-esque', featuring Aztec magic, snake oil, and the dead rising from the grave to attack the living.
Network with Bowie at his official website,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

ZOMBIES: Interview with author Michael S. Gardner

by Bowie Ibarra is pleased to have with them today another author who is a part of this great modern wave of zombie authors.  Please welcome Michael S. Gardner. - Let’s start with an important question here.  The Evil Dead ‘rebirth’.  Yes or no?

Michael S. Gardner - I would have to go with a strong yes. The market is flooded with remakes, and there will be plenty more down the road. I honestly feel that it’s about time someone brought this movie back to life. After seeing it, I feel they did an excellent job. - We followed ‘TheWalking Dead’ thru this season.  What are some things you’d would do differently if you ran the show?

MSG - I do believe the only thing that I would have changed would be offing Andrea a little sooner, like right when she was about to stab the Gov’na all naked and whatnot. I’m probably one of the only people you’ll find that’s been satisfied with everything so far. Too many people, I think, are expecting more and more and more, and they’re not getting what they want. I set my standards pretty low and have yet to be disappointed. - What are some of your favorite zombie movies out there?

MSG - Favorite zombie movies… Hmm…

Okay, I’ll start with the 90’s remake of Night of the Living Dead. Had I not seen that flick as I child, I might not have been into zombies at all. It’s got great conflict, believable characters, and awesome effects for its time.

Another one I’m a big fan of is Land of the Dead. Okay, hold on, hear me out. It’s often been labeled that movie which points out we are zombies and zombies are us a bit too much. Okay, I get that. But, putting that aside, look at such a vast and detailed world Romero has given us with this story. Zombie fights, take your pic with a zombie, street vendors, and hot prostitutes. I feel that this one is one of the pivotal movies that show life after the dead have claimed the world. It’s by far not the only one; but it’s one of my favs.

I would say 28 Days Later, but that’s not a zombie flick. I’d actually walked out on it in the theaters when the movie was first released (big mistake!). They’d advertised an epic zombie movie, and that’s not what it is or was. That said, it’s one hell of a movie. - Let’s talk a little bit about your books.  Tell us a little bit about ‘Betrayal’ and ‘Seller of the Dead’.

MSG - First, thanks for allowing me to spread the word about my work. It’s much appreciated!

Betrayal is a zombie novella (currently $0.99 on Amazon) which takes place a few years after the dead have destroyed most of humanity. An old farmhouse and adjoining property has been cordoned off, effectively keeping the hungering dead at bay. The survivors are lucky enough to have a squad of marines and a pilot to forage for food by traversing the fictional metropolis, Stryker City. But things aren’t as they seem – as they often aren’t – and the marines find themselves in a tight spot, abandoned by their pilot.

With the failed mission and winter approaching, there is only one shot left before all is lost and the refuge has to be abandoned. But this time, the new squad of foragers discovers that the city beholds much more than they’d ever anticipated. A doctor has found a “cure” which will transform the world as they know it. He has the ability to control the dead, and is out to change the face of humanity.

Seller of the Dead is the first installment of my Working Class Zombie series. It follows Nathan Parsons, a living-challenged man who is simply trying to find his place in the apocalypse. After attending a seminar, he decides to take his chances and prove he is worthy to live among the living.

This is definitely not an ordinary tale. But, you’ll find references to a few of our favorite movies if you pay close attention to the details. This is by far my favorite endeavor as a writer, and I’m currently writing the second installment, The District, which I hope to have out in a month or two. - What is your writing process like?

MSG - This’ll probably be my shortest answer. I just write when I have time and when my muse strikes. I know that’s not the best way to approach things, but I do what I can. - What can readers expect from these books?

MSG - Conflict and characters you can relate to. The one thing most of my readers will point out is that I write about people. People you and I both know and like/hate. There is much more action in Betrayal, yet it’s not overdone. Seller of the Dead is a slower story, as I want my readers to feel what it’s like to be my protagonist. That said, Working Class Zombie will be a series with much action and conflict as the story progresses. - Where can readers find out more about your books?

MSG - My Amazon Author Page is the best place at the moment:

I also blog at - Let’s ask the question that needs to be asked:  Zombies, Blood, or Fights?

Ooh, that’s a tough one, man. I guess I’d have to go with Zombies, because then we’ll get to the Blood and the Fights. Hopefully!
BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuster.  His latest book, 'The Cruel Fate of Dr. Brewster' McGill' is a weird western tale of snake oil, Aztec Magic, and the dead rising from the grave to attack the living.  It is available in Kindle and paperback from

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You can network with Bowie and read about his Tex-Mexploitation stories and check out his book trailers at his personal website,

Thursday, April 4, 2013

BLOOD (So much Blood): Evil Dead rebirth an outstanding gorefest


by Bowie Ibarra

All true statements
Go get your tickets now.  Make plans to see it
Holy crap, was the late-night viewing of the 'Evil Dead' rebirth a ride on a bloody rollercoaster made of entrails.  'Evil Dead' 2013 gave complete props to its source material, while creating a modern gory nightmarish masterpiece all its own.

Without any true spoilers, the movie is based around a drug intervention that several friends are participating in at the cabin in the woods.  You can probably figure out from there how the zany demonic antics are propelled from that starting point.

Brief notes:  The cast was outstanding.  Though we're all prepared for the big hero in 'Ash'/'David', played by Shiloh Fernandez, the real star of the movie is Jane Levy, who puts in a stellar performance as Mia from start to finish. Everyone put in a great and truthful performance in the imaginary circumstance of demonic hijinks.

The musical score was fantastic, and really added to the movie.

Yes, the original 'campiness' was lost in this movie.  However, the gore and action were so over the top in moments that you had to laugh.

The best part about the flick is that they didn't go full CGI.  Sure, there were moments when CGI was utilized.  But a majority of the SFX, including some classic moments re-envisioned, were done the old school SFX way.

Basically, go see this movie.  If you are a gorehound, lover of bloody movies, Demon possession, or fan of the classic series, this 'rebirth' is the best.

Also, stay for the very end of the credits.  You'll have a chuckle.

All in all, it was a great an enjoyable blood-filled horror ride that I highly recommend.  'Evil Dead' 2013 is approved.


BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuster.  His latest book, 'The Cruel Fate of Dr. Brewster' McGill' is a weird western tale of snake oil, Aztec Magic, and the dead rising from the grave to attack the living.  It is available in Kindle and paperback from

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You can network with Bowie and read about his Tex-Mexploitation stories and check out his book trailers at his personal website,

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

FIGHTS: Will the NWA's Master Plan in New Japan blow up in their face?

by Bowie Ibarra

Newly-crowned NWA champ 'The Ironman' Rob Conway will be the NWA's representative going into this weekend's NJPW Supershow, 'Invasion Attack'.  The word on the street is that he'll be facing NJPW stalwart, Satoshi Kojima, who is not only a vet in the ring, but has a lariat that would make Stan Hanson proud.  It's a big weekend for wrestling fans, but also a big weekend for Conway.

You might remember when the NWA President Bruce Tharpe took to the YouTubes to call out NJPW and insult them and their fans with his planned run at their organization.  I couldn't help but notice Tharpe didn't have then-champ 'Tokyo Monster' Kahagas present for the taping.  When I saw that, there was a sense that Tharpe was holding his cards to the vest.  He fast-tracked Kahagas to the championship belt only months before in a 16-man title tournament that had Kahagas show up in the final by his decree.

Did Tharpe lose confidence in his golden boy?  Was he just holding his cards to the vest, knowing that Kahagas was, indeed, a fighting champion and, knowing his schedule, considered that Kahagas might lose the belt somewhere along the way?

Either way, Tharpe has pushed all in with the new champ, Rob Conway.

Rob Conway?  I know, right?

Wrestling fans outside of San Antonio might remember Rob Conway as an arrogant WWE wrestler.  He's gone on the indy wrestling circuit for some years now, keeping his skills sharp and waiting for an opportunity.

It came March 16 when then champ Kahagas was set to face challenger NWA-Branded Outlaw Heavyweight Champ Jax Dane.  When Dane was jumped by the NWA World Tag Champs The Kingz of the Underground, taking Dane out of contention, Conway was granted a shot and won.

Check out the historic match here:

Say what you will about Rob Conway, but the fact remains that the guy was able to take that golden opportunity and cash it out.  The guy has been looking for a big break for a while now, and he got it.

But now his first title defense is going to test not only Conway, but an entire organization.  The NWA invading Japan could be great, or it could fizzle out.  A lot of that rests on Conway's performance against the tough-as-nails Kojima. 

But is Conway ready?  It's my opinion that he is.

Let's face it, the guy was able to beat Kahagas, who was on an unbeaten streak since he won the belt late last year.  Kahagas might have got the belt under shady circumstances, thanks to Tharpe.  But he still showed he was a quality champ by defending it all over the US.

Conway is a good representative for the NWA in Japan.  He has WWE credentials, has kept his skills sharp since then, and has the potential to do well.

Ironically enough, 'The Vanilla Godzilla' Jax Dane will be at his side as they travel to the Land of the Rising Sun.

When put in perspective, this is the opportunity Conway has been waiting for years to have.  Now that NWA has given him the ball, here's hoping he makes it out of Japan healthy and with a victory for NWA.

That win alone will easily propel him to a great title run as NWA champ.

Best of luck, champ.


BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuester. 

His combat sports themed book, PIT FIGHTERS: BAPTISM BY FIRE, features a luchador from Mexico who transitions to mixed martial arts competition.  It is available in paperback and on Kindle for .99 cents.

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You can network with Bowie and explore his other titles at his personal website,

ZOMBIES: #TheWalkingDead recap 'Welcome to the Tombs'

by Bowie Ibarra

What an asshole
Well, we were all calling for it.  And we got it.  One of the main characters from the show didn't make it out alive.  Neither did a bunch of random people.

Anyway, lets get to the big finish of 'The Walking Dead - Welcome to the Tombs' Season 3 finale.


Governor is ready to kill Andrea, but he's not going to do it himself.  No.  He won't sully his hands in Andrea's blood.  He'll let Milton do it.  But Milton refuses, so the Governor stabs him in the belly to let him bleed to death.  Then, when he turns, he'll kill Andrea.

What the Governor doesn't know, however, is that Milton left a pair of pliers for Andrea to use to twist off the chains on the cuff.  He encourages her to do it as fast as possible.

Naturally, Andrea drags her feet on the whole situation.


Tyrese and Sascha refuse to go on the mission to Woodbury and are greeted with bitter scowling and a weapon from the Governor.

The Governor has put a gun in the hand of all thirty of Woodbury's citizenry, and they go on the assault, trashing the front gate, the tower, and busting in unopposed.

As the ragtag band of citizens move on the prison, they notice the door is wide open.  In fact, the entire prison is unlocked.

Like the maniac he is, he still refuses to go back out and moves deeper into the catacombs.  In a dark hallway, Rick and Daryl launch a smoke-bomb/flash-bang attack, freaking the citizens of Woodbury the fuck out.  They bugger off and right out of the prison in fear, much to the Governor's dismay.

As they all run off with their tails between their legs, they are shot at as they exit the building and get in their vehicles and run off.  So much for the Governor's plans of vengeance.

As the Governor tries to get the people to regroup, the entire citizenry refuses to go back on the attack.  So the governor mows them down.  All of them.  He even pops them in the head as they lay on the ground.  One citizen hid under a body, an classic genocidal survival tactic, and gets off because the Governor ran out of bullets.

The Governor drives off into the wasteland with his two trusted death squad members.


So, this kid scrambled in fear into the woods where Carl, Hershcel, and Michone were hiding.  Carl pulls a gun on the kid and tells him to drop his weapon.  The kid hesitates to put his gun down, and Carl makes the executive decision to put down the non-compliant kid.

When Carl gets back, Herschel tells Rick the news.  When Rick tries to get the details about what went down, Carl puts his dad in check by saying he did what he had to do.  Carl had seen too much death in the past as a result of not acting in the moment to neutralize a dangerous element, and he tells his dad just that before running him off like some kind of underling.

And in a symbolic moment, his dad's badge falls off his shirt, thus becoming something completely different than the image of his father.


Rick, Daryl, and Michone go on a guerilla mission against Woodbury, but soon find the massacre of the people of Woodbury.  They also find the woman who was saved.

They make her help them get into Woodbury to find Andrea.  The woman signals to Tyrese to let them in and they do.

When they discover the place Andrea was in, they discover she had been bit before she had a chance to put Milton down.  Her decision not to act only days before not to kill the Governor when she had the chance has now been cashed out with her life.

Suddenly, Carl's philosophy makes the most sense in the zombie apocalypse.

They take her body to bury back at the prison.  They also take the women and children who did not go on the attack of Woodbury.

More mouths to feed as we go into the next season.

========== would like to take a moment and thank the following people for their participation in this season's 'Walking Dead' Blog entries.

Thanks to:
Army Ed
Thomas, the VW Tech Guy
Jackie Druga
R Thomas Riley
Gareth Wood
DL Snell
Micheal Gardner

You guys are the best.  Thank you.

Please, if you enjoyed this blog, look them up on


Need more 'Walking Dead' Season 3 recap and review?  Check out my buddy Jason Thorson recap over at Ravenous Monster here.


BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuster.  His latest book, 'The Cruel Fate of Dr. Brewster' McGill' is a weird western tale of snake oil, Aztec Magic, and the dead rising from the grave to attack the living.  It is available in Kindle and paperback from

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You can network with Bowie and read about his Tex-Mexploitation stories and check out his book trailers at his personal website,