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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

FIGHTS: REVIEW - 'Masks' solid superhero entry from Dynamite Comics

Bowie V. Ibarra

Dynamite Comics does it again.  With the licenses of some of the most classic pulp superheroes, 'Masks' puts together an epic team of masked crime fighters ever to be committed  to the page.  This time, these outstanding alliance stand up to a bizarre new tyranny sweeping New York City.
The masked superheroes featured in this story are outstanding.  Check out the line up of this
crime-fighting dream team:
The Shadow and his assets
The Spider and his team
Green Hornet and Kato
A descendent of Zorro, who takes on his family mantle for the common good
Miss Fury
The Black Bat
The Green Lama
The Black Terror

The story takes place in 1938, when these legendary superheroes ran their old school game.  They run into a problem when the 'Justice Party' takes over New York city, putting mobsters in power to run roughshod over the city.  When the tyranny becomes to obvious to ignore, the superheroes come together to fight the power.
The story was immensely enjoyable, with the always-inspirational 'fight the power' theme taking the reader through the story.  I expected a lot of action, and the story delivered. 
The art was exceptional, especially with Alex Ross doing the covers and the entire first issue.  Afterwards, Dennis Calero took the reigns and did a good job as well.
The trade paperback has all of Ross' covers, sketches, the script for the first issue, and other great pieces of 'bonus material'.
I found the story particularly inspirational, as it seemed to reflect the current state and federal government attitude towards its people:  Cruel and tyrannical.  The collection of taxes by force, the corruption inherent in the system, criminals in charge of the government.  The need for the people to band together and fight the power they've voted in.  Hell, to pay attention to the political process to prevent it from happening.  That's makes for a pretty good morality tale.
'Masks' is yet another outstanding superhero story from Dynamite, who are honoring the traditions and legends from the past with their stories.  If you like great action, a fun story, and excellent artwork, pick up this trade paperback today.
And if you like superhero stories, check out the superhero titles from  Codename: La Lechusa, Room 26 and the Army of Xulhutdul, and Tejano Star and the Vengeance of Chaplain Skull.  Get a copy today via paperback or kindle today.

Bowie V. Ibarra (1975- present) was born and raised in Uvalde, Texas, to a school principal and a book keeper. He has a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Acting and a Master of Arts in Theatre History.
Network with Bowie at his official website,

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