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Sunday, June 23, 2013

ZOMBIES: REVIEW World War Z plays out like an NWO fantasy (no spoilers)


by Bowie V. Ibarra

When I wrote Down the Road in 2005, a title which eventually earned a spot as one of the charter titles of Permuted Press, I didn't realize it would be part of the first zombie wave to hit the literary world.  I like to think that we're officially in the 2nd big wave, with 'The Walking Dead' bringing zombie horror to mainstream TV.

And with that mainstream attention comes the inevitable big budget big-name studio movies.  'World War Z', a movie based loosely on the sequel to one of the first wave zombie books, 'The Zombie Survival Guide' by Max Brooks, has hit the big screen.  With highly publicized troubles in production, its long awaited time on the movie circuit is here.  But did it cut the mustard?  One of my fellow zombie authors Timothy Long had some thoughts about its release here.  So did my fellow zombie enthusiast Eloise J. Knapp.  Texas author Rhiannon Frater, an author who just doesn't seem to like me, also got a chance to see a pre-screening

At any rate, here's the thoughts without spoilers.

The movie is the journey of the protagonist, Gerry Lane as played by Brad Pitt, who is assigned by the UN to find a solution to the problem.  He gets a front row seat to how the world is dealing with the crisis.

Without spoilers, the build-up was great, and so was the action that led up to it.  But the finish was just meh.  But considering Gerry's goal from the start, it was still the right finish.  I was still left underwhelmed, but at least it finished when it should have.  Not like Django.

Alex Jones put out several speculative pieces about the UN involvement in the film, martial law, and how it reflects aspects of the so-called New World Order's agenda for mass extermination.  Check it out here, and here

(Some minor spoilers)

Though the movie wasn't has heavy-handed as my fellow kook Jones' wild speculation about the film, and the UN did act as a global force making decisions for the world, including the US, the finish of the film was scary for different reasons.  It included imagery and suggestions promoting the mass extermination agenda of the shadowy and ambiguous 'globalists'.  Bulldozers scooping heaps and heaps of the dead in piles like garbage and setting them on fire were some of the more haunting images in my eyes. Those are the exact images my kooky friends say the globalists dream of, and I hated that the imagery is now being ingrained as a part of mass consciousness.

And though vaccines have been widely accepted as safe and non-toxic in spite of information suggesting the contrary, the production and distribution of the remedies across the globe was terrifying to me.  Witnessing children and the world happily accepting the vaxes and watching them be inoculated with the remedy/poison were just as scary, in my eyes.  Do you want to remain vulnerable to the 'zekes'?  Or would you rather poison yourself and fight against them?

But in the end, I was still left with the hope that, with the remedy, humanity had the capacity to still work together against a common enemy.  Unity through adversity. 

Ironically enough, that has always been the key to humanity's success, and the main reason my fellow kooks say the 'globalists' keep us divided.


Bowie Ibarra is the author of the 'Down the Road' zombie horror series from Permuted Press and Simon and Schuester.  His latest zombie story, The Fall of Austin, tells the story of military, police, convicts, and citizens of the Texas capitol as they deal with the zpoc.

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Sunday, June 2, 2013

FIGHTS - FAN RECAP - Ring of Honor Invades SATX 2013

Ring of Honor Rocks the Shrine Auditorium
Bowie V. Ibarra

Ring of Honor wrestling took the Shrine Auditorium by storm this past Saturday night with a card stacked with ROH standouts and Texas Talent! was there to take in all the action and have some fun.

Here's a recap.  And if you enjoy the recap, consider showing your support by purchasing my latest combat sports story, "Pit Fighters: Double Cross" in paperback and Kindle for as low as .99!

TAILGATE START and Texas wrestling superfan Danny started the night off with some Lone Star Beer in the parking lot.  We were joined by his girlfriend and all had a Lone Start or three to start off our evening.  We were even joined by indy wrestler Mr. B, who was more than happy to have a beer with us.  Then, it was off to the show!


If you've been following the coverage of ROH's approach to Texas, you might recall the preview of the show which featured the story on the controversial story about how and other KotU fans were allegedly put under scrutiny by ROH officials?  Well, it was my chance to put some of the rumors to bed and get to the heart of the controversy:  Would the Briscoes fight the Kingz of the Underground if they had a chance.

As I approached the autograph table, a ROH official asked called me out on the videos.  As he took my money for the autograph, I told him, 'A Briscoes/KotU match is the Pacquiao/Mayweather of the Texas Indy Tag Team Scene, man.'  He chuckled and let me in.

Mark made a face at my 'science' shirt, and I welcomed them to Texas with a Lone Star Beer a piece that I snuck in at the door.  And then I asked the question:  "If the timing were right, and everything could be coordinated the way it needs to be, would ya'll fight Scot Summers and Ryan Genesis, The Kings of the Underground?"

The answer was concise.


Well, there we go, ROH!  When you come back, make it happen!


After saying hello to my fellow Texas indy wrestling friends, I sat down to watch the opening match.  It featured AJ Summers and Rudy Russo vs. Carson and Ricky Starks.  It took me a minute to figure out who to boo and who to cheer, as AJ Summers usually uses underhanded tactics to achieve victory.  But Carson and Starks were playing dirty, and Summers and Russo came out on top in a fun bout.


A dude I thought looked like Frank Trigg was the MC for the night.  He actually did a good hacky-sack-style kick of a streamer during the night, so maybe it was just Frank Trigg's dad.

He also approached me at the end of the night and called me 'The Black Bobby Fish'.  Clearly, Frank comes from a part of the country that does not have Hispanics.


O'Reilly shakes hands with a ghost

One half of the tag team champs, ReDRagon, or Re: Dr. Agon, Kyle O'Reilly mixed it up with Mike Sydal.  I swear to God, I thought Kyle was fighting the ghost of Brian Pillman.  They put up a good show, even with Bobby Fish at ringside.  Man, Fish can talk some shit as well.  But the Texas fans held their own, including superfan Tommy.

O'Reilly with the win on Sydal.

(B)ERNIE from the local Fox affiliate made an appearance.

In a fun moment, Ernie from Fox SATX made it to the ring to welcome every to the show and spell out the fact that Ring of Honor is owned by Sinclair Media, which also has a hand in his Fox station.  If you recall, Ernie was trying to interview ACH when Steve Corino called in and hijacked the segment.

Well, Ernie almost paid for showing up when Mark Briscoe came out for the save and attacked Corino.  The two went back and forth when Corino's mystery S.C.U.M. hand was revealed to be Jimmy Jacobs and Rhett Titus.

Impromptu match ended in DQ.


This is as good as my photos got because I didn't want
ROH to take my camera

This was an outstanding match by the Texas indy women.  Both girls came out swinging, and the fans enjoyed it.  In the end, Athena hits the O-Face and puts Barbi away.


Properly shaved New York douchebag Bobby Fish took on Texas indy standout, Ray Rowe.  As you might imagine, it was a physical match that found Rowe chopping Fish until he bled.  Rowe blasted Fish with his double knee flying attack and it was amazing.

But in the end, even after a good showing, Rowe lost to fish.


This was a great and competitive match as well.  Edwards and Taven beat each other up before Edwards took the victory.  Taven had a long, hard look at the belt and considered his worth after the matchup.


If this is match of the night, then it was match of the year.  ACH and Jay Lethal tore the house down in an amazing high flight and technical match.  ACH brought all he had, but it wasn't enough to take down Lethal, who got him.

But in the end, Lethal gave ACH his props and saluted him with pure honor.



This match was alright.  The two put on a competitive match, with Strong taking the victory in the end.

But the real highlight was watching noted With Leather Blogger and Best and Worst of Raw mastermind Brandon Stroud just unload on Strong with a personal verbal vendetta against the noted wrestling stalwart.  Jesus Christ, he went off on Strong, saying he looked like a human leg, which was weird.  Called him the lamp from 'A Christmas Story'.  After he brought it up, I could see that, I guess.

And then, when the match ended, Strong confronted Stroud from the ring, calling him names and saying he doesn't score with chicks as Stroud sat by his immensely charming girlfriend, the lovely Miss Destiny.  Now I'm not going to draw any conclusions, but we're all adults here, Roderick Strong.  You're probably wrong on that assumption.  Try again.


These dudes threw down all over the Shrine Auditorium, where Shriner's help raise money for children's hospitals and shit.  And it got crazy.

As it made its way back to the ring, Jimmy Jacobs suggested to Rhett Titus a way to murder BJ Whitmer by taking the mats off the Shrine floor and spike piledriving him to the pavement.  But luckily he was saved from that fate.

Balding mullet man seeking to commit murder 1 before the other dudes do
Truth is, Elgin promised he was going to send SCUM out in a body bag at the beginning of the night.  So, in a way, SCUM was just attempting to commit 1st degree murder first before Elgin made good on his promise.  Sound strategy when you think about it.

SCUM took the victory.


This was yet another great match and a great finish to the show, with both wrestlers giving their all to the crowd that stayed with them the whole night. 

One of the highlights, though, was Texas Superfan Stephanie shouting Kings of the Underground at Jay Briscoe before the match started.  I had made my peace with them, but she certainly hadn't.  She was wearing her green KotU shirt, too.  It was pretty awesome.

At any rate, the two even battled it out in a test of strength multiple times to the delight of the fans.  Jay takes the win in a hard fought battle.

All I got to say is it was a tremendously fun night of action that I hope returns to our state again.  Perhaps a show in ATX and SATX on the same weekend?

Also, KotU vs. Briscoes.  Goddammit, make it happen!

Thanks Ring of Honor


BOWIE V. IBARRA is the author of the noted zombie horror series, 'Down the Road', from Permuted Press and Simon and Shuster.  His latest novel, 'Pit Fighters: Double Cross' is a combat sports themed book about the adventures of a MMA stable in south Texas, featuring a Mexican luchador who crosses over into MMA.  'Pit Fighters: Double Cross' is available in paperback and Kindle for as low as .99 cents.

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